ELLA CombiStation
The solution enables on-demand battery swapping for LEVs and parcel…
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Parkunload: Smart Loading Zones
Parkunload enables the digital transformation of loading and delivery…
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SurplusMap - Planning EV charging infrastructure
SurplusMap helps you find the best place to build EV charging…
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Trap: Urban parking docks for scooters
Trap is a parking station with an electric charging system - designed…
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Asistobe PROGNOSIS: AI/ML algorithms to predict the future transport demand
Get AI-based automated predictions about the next period’s ridership…
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STACK: The next generation (MaaS) solution
All-in-one white-label Mobility as a Service (MaaS) app enables…
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Smart Zones: Digital and bookable curbside spaces
Coding the Curbs provide cities with "Smart Zones" –…
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Elonroad: Electric road system
Electric roads extend driving range and reduce the need of large and…
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Walk15.app: Sustainable activity platform
Walk15.app Sustainable Activity Platform and Step Wallet helps…
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BRUNTOR: Last-mile delivery kick-scooter
The fastest last-mile delivery vehicle in the city.
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SEADS Blue Barriers: Collect & Upcycle river plastic waste
SEADS Blue Barriers - Cleaning rivers, protecting oceans!
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Parkly: Modular urban furniture
Parkly's multifunctional and modular urban furniture helps to…
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realCity: Intelligent traffic systems for drivers, dispatchers and passengers
Cloud-based, intelligent traffic systems for drivers, dispatchers and…
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Volvero: Vehicle sharing platform
Volvero creates a system in which whoever has a car, motorcycle or…
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Tymap: A real-time delivery and fleet tracking platform
The delivery solution that saves money and time.
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Lokit Wallbox: Micro-mobility docking station
Unlock urban mobility with Lokit Wallbox – the smart, sustainable…
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BUDDY Service: urban support & accessible travel services
A One-stop-shop that facilitates information and booking of required…
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SpotBeam: V2X for Safer Mobility
To improve pedestrian's safety and traffic control by leveraging…
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Rastel.io: Modular, smart and secure hub for parking of micro-mobility vehicles
A modular, smart and secure bike shelter, accessible through a mobile…
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Karos Mobility: Carpool platform for daily commuting
Karos is the best AI-powered carpooling mobile app that offers…
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BGI Builder for climate resilient cities
For urban risk managers, BitaGreen provides data, models and…
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ANDYAMO: Multimodal route planner adapted to people with reduced mobility
Andyamo helps users develop alternative solutions to private cars,…
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waveOut: The platform for audio augmented reality navigation
Costumers the world through their ears! The latest technology of…
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Circu Li-ion: Battery upcycling / reuse solution
Automated battery disassembly & cell level diagnostics solution…
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FYMA: Unlock data from your video feeds
Costumers can unlock the full potential of their commercial real…
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NOVALITY: Smart parking solutions
Secure parking stations for bicycles and scooters responding to the…
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IPA2X - Intelligent pedestrian assistant
IPA2X is built to help children, the elderly, and people with…
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Everimpact: Carbon emissions measurement and reporting platform
Everimpact helps cities measure, reduce and monetise their carbon…
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SimpleCharge: EV charging on existing lampposts
For parking space owners, who want new revenue streams, SimpleCharge…
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Citizen's Needs by Urban Radar
Proximity based urban planning and 15-min city to meet citizen's…
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Mapalyse: Public Participation GIS Tool
Increase citizen engagement by collecting public opinions to…
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Gocleer: Mobility Data Platform
A modular platform to help insurers, corporates and city councils to…
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SET: Street Experiments Tool
SET helps to implement street experiments (quick and low-cost…
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geoFluxus: Transparency platform for urban goods and waste flows
geoFluxus helps costumers to find better alternatives for their…
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MOSA Intelligent Cycle Parking Hubs and Management Solutions
MOSA's smart solution is 70% cheaper, saves space owners time by…
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Cogo: Shared mobility app
Cogo offers the most comprehensive price comparison tool for…
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Zipforce Distance - eBike kit
Zipforce is a portable and light, easy-to-assemble electric motor…
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Luna: safer micromobility
Provides irrefutable visual proof of real-time location of e-scooters…
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MIOO: Ready to ride assembly service for bike e-commerce
Online bike resellers can partner up with MIOO and offer a…
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Zipforce Slim - eBike kit
Zipforce is a portable and light, easy-to-assemble electric motor…
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Libelium Smart Parking Sensor
Dual detection technology for 99% accuracy in identifying parking…
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TicketO: Environmental shared mobility wallet
Ensuring that traffic-related pollution and CO2 emissions are reduced…
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VONZU: Last-mile logistics management platform
Vonzu's purpose is to digitize the logistics sector & gives…
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VePa: Vertical Parking
VePa provides the most space-efficient and sustainable parking…
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Scootable: Micromobility platform for scooters, e-bikes, e-cars
Do not worry about complexity of software and mobile apps, just focus…
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Libelium Air Quality Station
The Air Quality Station will allow your city to monitor key pollution…
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Mosaic X: 360º camera for 3D modelling and mapping
Mosaic X is a purposely-built, top quality mapping camera that allows…
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Smart Point: Reducing delivery vans in cities.
Smart Point designs zero emission delivery networks for smart cities…
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Nommon Mobility Insights: Origin-destination data collection
Nommon Mobility Insights provides accurate, up-to-date and complete…
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NielsenConcept's all inclusive, individual and collective bike selection
Fleets of electric bikes designed to meet all the needs and everyday…
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ModelMe3D: Immersive Co-Design of Public Spaces
ModelMe3D is the only co-design platform in the world where costumers…
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Nemi: demand-responsive transport
Nemi makes public transport in low-density areas feasible by…
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Bicihangar Rocket: Secure bike & scooter parking
Bicihangar Rocket is a unique solution to accelerate the change…
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NIMBEE: Mobile Charging Stations
Nimbee’s vision? More electric cars in the city with less charging…
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The Pin Bike Kit
Verified movements and rides to incentivize citizens and commuters to…
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RAPID: 3D Prototyping
Early prototyping of mobility infrastructure changes, along with…
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VEOMO: Mobility Monitor
With real time data of local mobility options highlighted and easily…
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Allihop: Green Business Travel
Allihop strives for a planet where business, ecosystems and human…
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Data Flow by fluctuo
Visibility for shared mobility operators, simplicity for MaaS…
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Bia Optimised EV Charging
The Bia platform can easily connect to all types of charging…
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HOPU: Environmental data analysis & visualisation
Hopu’s SaaS is an evidence-based air quality solution with high…
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Mosaic: Mobile Street Mapping Service
Mosaic’s Mobile Street Mapping Service gathers large amounts of…
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EVIO: Electric Vehicle Ecosystem Management Platform
EVIO is addressing not attended needs in the market through enabling…
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Micro Cargo RPV X5
The innovative bike trailer that easily transports up to 5 bikes with…
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A 4 wheeler, highly modular, adaptable cargo bike that is made to…
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See.Sense AI Spinovation Dashboard
A tool that transforms cycling with intelligent, data-driven…
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Track & Protect IoT module
An integrated e-bike security system combining IoT tracking…
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Tyre wear capture device
A hardware solution designed to capture and monitor tyre wear in…
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Eco Solutions Margherita
A compact, off-grid solar charging shelter designed for small urban…
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e-Mobility Rentals
Sustainable mobility solutions, delivering zero-emission electric…
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Remote Vibration Monitoring Kit
Gelectric’s Remote Vibration Monitoring Kit is an advanced solution…
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Smart Zone Enforcement Module
Efficiently enforce Smart Zones with a scalable digital system to…
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WOW! Urban Utopia: mobility and social hubs
WOW! transforms underutilised urban spaces into vibrant, sustainable,…
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FLX: Smart Speed Reducer
The intelligent asphalt speed limiter FLX-SSR is a revolutionary…
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Devonic former
The bike that evolves alongside your child from ages 2 to 6! It kicks…
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Magnetika eRay-100
A high-efficiency, wireless charging and locking solution designed…
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Ecoplants: Sun tracing solar systems powering cars & personal appliances
Ecoplants: An eyecatching and highly efficient solar energy factory…
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Bicycle, E-Bicycle, Kick e-scooter charging stations
Modern Bike and Kick E-Scooter docking stations used for safe parking…
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The Mobility Factory: Cooperative e-carsharing Platform
TMF offers modular e-carsharing for cooperatives, promoting…
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Asfalto Sicuro®
AI-driven monitoring system using GNSS, IMU and cameras to detect and…
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GaiaHub: Mobility Environmental Impact Monitoring Solution
High-precision license plate recognition smart city system that…
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ratioX bicycle CVT gear system
Autonomous & durable gear system that fulfils the missing needs…
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SL Controller (25kW, 84V, 500A)
The highest power output, wide range of setup possibilities and…
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WISP Solutions : AI-Driven Traffic Management System
Enhance urban mobility with WISP Solutions intelligent traffic light…
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DLIA for Cities
Optimize public EV charging infrastructure masterplan and accelerate…
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Joyride Connected Mobility Platform
Connect, share and track electric vehicles, all on one complete fleet…
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An interactive LED light-emitting road marking system enhancing…
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MOBITO Data Marketplace
A tool to access curated, best-in-class external mobility data across…
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ISO14064-II Certified CO2 calculation APIs
The APIs allow for a rigorous calculation of emitted end saved CO2 in…
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MOBITO: anonymised vehicle data
It provides high-volume, high-quality, trajectory-level vehicle data…
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Calyo Pulse: Accurate, Real-Time, 3D Spatial Awareness
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AutonomyNow ADAS
Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) for city buses and coaches…
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Cocoon Airbag Protection
Cocoon is a patented airbag protection system for bicycle child seats…
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Walking Talking: Team development app shaping healthy habits
Drive sustainable social well-being through Walking Talking's…
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EQHAWK - velomobile, cargo bike
Ecological 4-wheel hybrid bicycle, powered by human muscle and…
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PANTOhealth: Overhead line predictive maintenance & simulation
Stay on track with PANTOhealth's reliable solutions, enabling…
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access4you® certification mark
International certification mark that certifies and qualifies the…
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PLUG&META: Active Road Safety for infrastructure to prevent traffic accidents
Devices integrated into the road infrastructure that detect, signal…
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Electric Vehicle Fleet Management System - EVMS
Optimize Your EV Fleet Management & Operations with Make My Day…
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Giravolta Mobility Platform
Unleash the power of shared and on-demand mobility for cities,…
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ONO: Sustainable e-cargo bikes
The ONO can replace sprinters, cargo vans and transporters on the …
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Pealock - electronic lock
Smart electronic lock for bikes, e-scooters etc. with GPS module,…
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Eco-Movement EV Charging Station Location & Tariffs Data - real-time API
Most complete, highest-quality global EV charging data sourced…
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Amperfied Wallbox connect.solar: Smart charging with solar systems
The KFW-eligible wallbox for solar systems.
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XEV YOYO: Full electric city car with innovative battery swapping system
Making urban mobility a joy for everyone using cutting-edge…
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Motion: Sustainable Mobility Platform
Motion helps public and private organizations to integrate and…
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Air Quality and Sound Monitor IoTsens
Evaluates air and noise conditions by monitoring the main…
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Air Quality Monitor IoTsens
Evaluates air conditions by monitoring the main environmental…
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Plug & Meta: Active road safety to transform urban infrastructures
PLUG&META® technology converts any existing infrastructure into…
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Metaurban Smart: Urban safety barrier that prevents traffic accidents
Metaurban SMART urban barrier is a containment system with…
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Vision AI Sensor for Smart Cities & Spaces
A plug-n-play, low-power hardware & software solution offering…
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LINKA LEO 2 Pro Smart Lock: A Premium Bike Fleet Management Solution
The ultimate micromobility locking solution: guaranteed to increase…
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Cyclecure: Repair & Maintenance services for micromobility
Cyclecure provides reliable, convenient and circular after-sales…
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Battery Swapping Station
The solution for the autonomy problems of electric micro-vehicles…
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VertiMonitor: Real-Time Weather Go/NoGo
Automatization of Go / No Go decision making for vertiport operators…
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VertiPlace: Analyse vertiport operability
Analyze the operability of vertiports upfront as well as to optimize…
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MOBILE hydrogen station
Hydrogen anytime, anywhere. MOBILE stations are designed for…
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COMPACT hydrogen station
The COMPACT stations are turnkey and all-in-one stations, designed to…
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EVOLUTIVE hydrogen station
The EVOLUTIVE hydrogen stations address the heavy and light mobility…
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YaWatt: Turn-key EV charging stations
YaWatt offers turn-key EV charging point services powered by ZARIOT&…
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cyclebeeOnRails bike & train information platform
cyclebeeOnRails combines official data of train companies, open…
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Amperfield Connect.Public: Chargin Station with 22 KW charging power
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KINTO FLEX: Flexible Car Subscription Solution
Seamless and Smart Mobility Solutions: Flexible Car Subscription …
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Tennders: the one-stop-solution for road freight transport
Costumers unlock their network potential and streamline freight…
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Murwa: Urban parking docks for scooters, bikes & e-bikes.
Murwa is a parking station with an electric charging system -…
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The Good Seat : get the best ride-hailing and taxi data & offers with integrated booking and payments
Transforms users' platform into a global mobility hub with real…
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Asistobe OPTIMISE: Sustainable and cost-efficient public transport networks
Make smart mobility decisions with Asistobe: cut OPEX costs by 15-25%…
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THOR AVAS: Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System
THOR AVAS: Where safety meets style in electric mobility.
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Clean commute and charging system
ACTON offers fleet ebikes and charging station infrastructure for…
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Asistobe EXPLORE: Get insights about the entire public transport network
A visualisation tool for mobility patterns that helps cities…
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GIZO: Next-Gen AI Tech on Smartphone to Improve Road Safety & Track CO2 Footprint
University Spin-off from Germany Offering Autonomous-driving Level…
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Cooltra - Sharing for employees
Join the two-wheel shared mobility revolution with their sharing…
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Charging Optimisation (available as an API or White Label)
Make My Day API: Empowering fleets with smarter routes and charging…
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VOOVOO: Preventing Reckless Driving
VOOVOO can proactively prevent speeding and aggressive driving for…
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Parquery Truck Parking - Guide truck drivers to an available parking spot
Parquery guides truck drivers to find available parking spots on…
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Aima+: AI-powered data intelligence platform for shared and connected mobility
AiMA+ by Vulog is a cutting-edge mobility platform leveraging AI and…
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DeepSpeed: electric/hybrid jet marine propulsion
DeepSpeed develops the most efficient naval propulsion ever been…
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NaviBlind: Navigator for the blind and visually impaired
NaviBlind is an inclusive and accessible GNSS (GPS) navigator that…
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Riderco: the Go-To App for Peer-to-Peer Bike Rentals, Bridging…
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KEYOU H2 Engine Truck
KEYOU offers its customers emission-free, efficient, and economical…
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TFT100 - electric mobility and heavy machinery GPS tracker
Easily adaptable and versatile e-mobility GPS tracker – TFT100 has a…
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CYCLE: E-Bike and Cargo bikes monthly subscription
Cycle enables your business to transition to sustainable mobility…
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Smart Parking System
Smart Lynx Smart Parking is a budget friendly, end-to-end IoT system…
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Mobile Mapping with Feature Extraction
Visualise roads with pinpoint accuracy to plan infrastructure…
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full&fast: Fully-Integrated Energy Storage Solutions
Delivering more than just power & energy. We finance access to…
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Cube Plus : Smart City bench
Cube Plus revolutionizes urban spaces with smart benches offering…
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MagDock: wireless charging station for micro-mobility
Simple park & charge model for automated wireless charging and…
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GoElektrik: One-stop shop for Wallbox installations
GoElektrik offers a seamless, end-to-end solution to rapidly scale…
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Fleet Electrification Planning tool
Make My Day's Fleet Electrification Planner: Tailored insights…
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DeepVolt Location Intelligence Assistant (DLIA)
DLIA helps cities and businesses identify optimal locations for EV…
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Bambookoa: bicycles made of bamboo
The new art of making bicycles more sustainable with the environment
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Last Mile deliveries with Cargo Bikes
Delivering parcels with cargo bikes is cost efficient and good for…
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Predictive maintenance application for electrified vehicles' batteries
MyBatteryHealth is a mobile app that allows owners of electrified…
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TOTT UP: GPS training for bus & coach drivers
Tott up enables drivers to learn routes precisely and be at ease…
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BeTRITON: Fully electric amphibious RV
Fully electric Amphibious RVs for the most sustainable and unique…
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BikeFair: bicycle marketplace
BikeFair is a one-stop-shop bike marketplace: a full-service bike…
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Bus Manager: Manage and share real-time data without the need for new hardware or extra equipment
Bus Manager application enables efficient management of a bus fleet,…
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Karfu: Mobility comparison platform
Karfu is developing an impartial vehicle & mobility comparison…
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Pingo: Demand Responsive Transport Platform
Pingo is the built for public transport. One platform for all users&…
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A4Radar: Smart radar warning sensors
Revolutionise urban safety and efficiency with 5G Smart Radar Warning…
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Scout Plus: an innovative multimodal Traffic Surveys Solution
Miovision Scout® Plus accurately collects all data types, operates…
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KINTO FLEX: Flexible Car Subscription Solution
Seamless and Smart Mobility Solutions: Flexible Car Subscription …
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Aerodymax Trailer Skirt
Aerodymax trailer skirt reduces fuel consumption & emissions by…
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PW.Orca: A heavy-duty cargo drone
PW.Orca allows users to automatically transport cargo through the…
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Smart Truck Parking solution
The smartest way to address the lack of truck parking for…
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Smart Parking solution
The simplest, cost-effective and reliable way to manage car parks…
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Abel Sensors: Smart Parking for Bikes
The Smart Parking guidance, monitoring & mobile payment solution…
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Curb management and smart parking platform
Cut by 30% parking related traffic while improving the attractiveness…
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KINTO Share: Car sharing solution
Seamless and Smart Mobility Solutions: Connecting Drivers to Cars for…
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Custom battery manufacturing service
Get custom production grade batteries in less than 20 working days.
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Chariot FS2: Full Suspension E-cargo trike
The next generation e-cargo bikes that helps organizations deliver a…
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PassageWay RTPI Digital Signs
By providing universal public transport information access to all…
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TruckY: Fleet management tool to save energy
TruckY is a patented software solution that reduces fuel consumption…
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Cycle Logistics: Change management planning
urbike offers a tailor-made support package in urban logistics…
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Optifarm: Smart delivery of local food products
Digital platform Optifarm is Etsy for local farmers
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Natilus Kona 3.8T Cargo Drone
Next-generation cargo aircraft Designed for more volume, autonomy,…
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Kobla Moving Lab
Kobla Moving Lab lets citizens in a focus area easily collect their…
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Skycharge: drone charging infrastructure
Skycharge is building a network of charging stations tailored for…
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WingLights turning indicators
Universal, patented turning indicators that make riders more visible…
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Mappo: In-vehicle, location-based infotainmaint
Aiming to become the world largest location-based in-vehicle…
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WeRide.Today: Ride or Walk Safely in the City
WeRide.Today is all about users' safety commuting in urban…
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The Smart move to do. Mobility Solutions to move cities towards a…
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bus4.me, the on-demand transport system
bus4.me: a fully customizable tech solution designed to simplify on…
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PORTO cargo scooter
Revolts Is Shaping The Future Of Micro Mobility creating high-end,…
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Mobu Smart Mobility Budget
Corporate mobility solution that reduces emissions, cost and is…
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Delphisonic DS-xR
Delphisonic DS-xR offers a value proposition centered around safety,…
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Last-mile food delivery robot
Enhanced food delivery experience thanks to 21st-century robot…
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4screen - the driver interaction platform
4screen has developed the world's first driver interaction…
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AUXTAIL: Integrated rear rack
Rear rack stores in bumper, and folds out to provide 2 e-bike…
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Konya Ekoturizm eco-mobility application
Application that allows calculating the carbon footprint produced by…
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Electric Avenue Bikes Ltd
By pairing sustainable technology with traditional practices -…
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Stryker-Design: Ultra-low footprint vehicle technology for personal mobility
All the comfort and convenience of cars, plus additional advantages…
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LisNav: Audiodescription for the blind
LisNav is an app that merges Augmented Reality with Artificial…
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EVcharge - The EV Chargers Management Platform
EVcharge delivers a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for…
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King Long: Pure electric city buses
Mini electric city bus with LFP Catl battery and best price/quality…
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Hop: Micromobility Platform
Hop is a micromobility platform and suite, which lets their own…
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ProperGate: Smart materials delivery for construction sites
ProperGate is a digital supply ecosystem that streamlines…
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Cognata: Safety digital twin for smart cities
Award-winning 4D urban safety planning tool for "Vision Zero…
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EP Tender: Smart powerbank trailer for EVs
EP Tender's mission is to accelerate the energy transition with…
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Jonna Recharged: Refurbished e-bikes with quality protocols
Jonna is an end-to-end online marketplace for buying and selling…
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Entroview: Entropy-based technology for battery management
Unlocking precise SOC (state-of-charge) measurement for a brighter…
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INSPECH Insights: Road assets management
INSPECH Insights is a solution tailored for road asset managers and…
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Magway: Zero-emissions transport without batteries or fuels
The zero-emissions, scalable transportation system that…
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Metapilot: AI launchpad for airtaxis, vertiports, and future mobility
Boeing-backed AI launchpad for air taxis, vertiports, and future…
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Diagonal: Spatial data visualisation
Transforming spatial data into holistic visual narratives
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Pluto Technologies: Cost-effective asset management platform
The intelligent asset management solution to help municipalities in…
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CyberAutoMatics: In-vehiclecyber security &fleet performance platform
The most comprehensive in-vehiclecyber security &fleet…
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Buddyp2p: A platform renting private parking spaces and EV chargers
Park, charge & share: Transform your parking and charging…
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IMPARGO: Transport Management Platform
The easiest-to-use Transport Management Platform for road freight…
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Reefilla's Fillee: Energy Mobile Storage and EV Charger
Fillee: second-life (used) battery based mobile charger for EV…
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Tarot Routing: Last-mile optimisation and management tool
Enhance last-mile efficiency by reducing both CO2 emissions and…
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Shuttle Planet: On-demand long-distance shared transport platform
Shuttle Planet offers adventure and opportunity through inclusive on…
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E-STOR: Battery energy storage systems
Battery energy storage systems to provide vital storage for renewable…
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Smart Kiwi: Fleet rebalancing & optimisation platform
Smart Kiwi optimises fleet distribution by predicting demand through…
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Bib Batteries: EV Batteries monitoring and management platform
A comprehensive solution to manage electric vehicles batteries,…
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Gecko Risk: Alternative fuel vehicle data platform
Using data to help businesses in the motor sector evolve understand…
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EVware Core FLEX
A plug-and-play Platform-as-a-Service that enables sustainable zero…
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CO2e-calculator: Calculate, Compare, Reduce and Contribute for your Travel Impact
A one-stop climate partner to act on users' travel impact.
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DockChain - Fast charging for fleets and car parks.
DockChain makes rapid DC charging possible for all parking spaces at…
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INSPECH Assessment: Digital tool for road conditions assessment and reporting
Designed to improve the inspection process, from data collection to…
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Predictive Maintenance for Electrical Machines on Ships.
Gelectric's predictive maintenance revolutionizes waterway…
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ATOM Mobility - leading software provider for shared mobility industry
All the technology you need to launch and scale your own vehicle…
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3DAI City: Real-time insights in urban environments and highways
Addressing the need for actionable insights in urban environments and…
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Monark Centro: Cargo bikes for everyone
Monark Centro, a cargo bike range solution for every need.
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ZDbus: ERP solutions for passengers transportation
ZDBus is the leading ERP in Spain with an imminent expansion in Latin…
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ACE MOBILITY: Ride-hailing service for people with disabilities
Africa's first accessible vehicles ride sharing start-up.
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SafeMode: Fleet driver engagement & incentive platform
Prevent 30% of accidents, lower fuel consumption and emissions by 5%…
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KNOT: Docking & charging stations for bikes and scooters
All-in-one docking and charging solution including stations, vehicles…
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Rastel.io: Secure bike parking management platform
An access control system that can transform any enclosed space into a…
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CommuteSaver: CO2 emissions tracker for commuting
World’s first automated mobile CO2 emissions tracker for commuting.
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Mercedes-Benz Data Dashboard
Benefit from our safety, infrastructure, traffic, parking, and micro…
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anet.one: eye-tracking based digital workspace
Eye-tracking-based knowledge management, risk assessment, and quality…
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E-scooter fleet management platform
One dashboard to manage your e-scooter fleet and staff.
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KoDelivery: Logistics optimisation platform
Kodelivery is a logistics optimization platform based on an…
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Bikademy - for sustainbale cycling tourism and urban mobility
Cycle Your Exams! Bikademy is a green and innovative product that…
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Immense: Infrastructure Operations Simulator
Infrastructure Operations simulator that allows costumers to quickly…
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SunRider: The solar-powered cargo e-bike
Pedal into a brighter future with the first solar-powered cargo e…
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MyLock Scooter: Parking structure for electric scooters
By integrating advanced technology and seamless functionality, MyLock…
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WeSolve: community engagement platform
Connect with your community, gather insights, and transform feedback…
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Cityscaper: 3D & Augmented reality visualisations
AR and 3D visualizations enhance citizen participation in…
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AIRLY: Hyperlocal air quality monitoring platform
Airly is the leading cost-effective SaaS solution for hyperlocal air…
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Stanley Robotics: Automated Robotic Valet Parking
Increase parking capacity and offer customers a streamlined, stress…
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Maptionnaire: Citizen engagement platform
Maptionnaire is a hassle-free citizen engagement platform that…
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dataJiro AI: People Counting Systems in Public Transportation
With accurate and instant passenger occupancy data, costumers can set…
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Magic Lane: Map, Location & Navigation platform for developers
An end-to-end Map, Location & Navigation platform for developers…
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LUMiCHARGER LP: EV charger sockets
EV charger sockets integrated into public lighting, which can work…
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Ampliuz: Battery charging station
Making e-bikes accessible to more people, while simplifying the…
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SmanApp: Mobile App that rewards safe driving
SmanApp is a road safety app based on gamification that rewards…
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Witick : Mobile ticketing for public transport
Contactless validation with all smartphones thanks to Bluetooth.
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Hubbel: Mobility Hubs
Hubbel is unique in the world of circular building systems, the…
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Road.Travel: Adaptive Travel Guides
Creators of Adaptive Travel Guides, pioneering device-to-car tech…
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RoadEO: Road quality monitoring and prediction platform
Data driven road quality monitoring & Predictive road maintenance…
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Cartologica: Asset inventory solution
Using digital techniques, Cartologica inventories every type of asset…
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Geolocated images, point clouds and streetviews
Production of geolocated images and streetviews of every kind of…
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Autodrive Solutions: Road Digitisation
Developing the roads of the future. Analog roads will be easily…
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GalNav Indoor Navigation
GalNav indoor initially enables turn-by-turn navigation for website…
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DKSR: Open Urban Data Platform
Put urban data into sustainable use for your municipality: With an…
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This App Saves Lives: Mobile app that rewards undistracted driving
This App Saves Lives is a mobile app-based solution that uses rewards…
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SWITCH: Mobility demand prediction platform
Revolutionise shared fleet distribution, operations and city planning…
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URB-X: Bicycle highways
A modular timber construction system for elevated active mobility…
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RiDERgy: SaaS for automatic, low cost, greener EV-fleets charging
Provide a scalable, flexible API-first software to EV owners and…
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Eco Alert Zones: Low-Emission Zones geospatial database
Database with Congestion Zones
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DIGAS: Hydrogen locomotive retrofit kit
An instant decarbonization and compliance with ESG targets for rail…
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VelSol - Modular cycling infrastructure.
VelSol is a modular system providing climate-enhanced, resilient…
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xFlow - Enabling autonomous vehicles
Bringing autonomous processes to life - xFlow®, has a unique value…
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ITC: Intelligent Traffic Control
ITC is an innovative software-only solution that improves the usage…
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Inbalance grid: smart EV charging solution
The solution allows installing charging stations in locations with…
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Parkey: B2B platform for flexible parking use
Parkey increases office parking lot utilization by allowing employees…
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MotionPass: In-car payments platform
MotionPass makes it easy to include commercial services (~parking,…
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SiWeGO: Smart Eco Transport
SiWeGO is an App that fills & sells the empty space of any…
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Augmented LiDAR Box for Smart Infrastructures
Outsight Augmented LiDAR Box real-time outputs enable rapid…
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ATX340E H2GO: Electric Vehicle with Hydrogen range extender
Alkè Electric Vehicles is bringing the full power of hydrogen on the…
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Whee! Cargobike subscription service
All inclusive cargo-bike subscription service. Costumers ride - Whee!…
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Flash Park: Outdoor IoT parking detection sensors
Flash Park monitors parking in non-delimited areas. The solution…
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TripShift Platform - Automated carbon tracking.
TripShifts' automated data collection provides organisations …
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Belat: Any space locker for orderly micromobility.
Belat is the right choice for orderly indoor and outdoor…
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Beev: Revolutionizing the electric car experience
Revolutionize the way users experience electric cars with Beev - the…
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Intercomp Smart Parking Systems for Smart Cities
Smart Parking Systems® is the solution to govern and manage…
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Newky: Digital Key of Mobility and Physical World
Newky converts a user's mobile phone into a digital key,…
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Nivel Regulator - getting the best out of shared mobility
Nivel Regulator standardizes mobility services through digital…
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Urban Logistics by Urban Radar
Benefit from a global vision of local delivery activity to implement…
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City Transformer
City Transformer developed the world-first born to share urban EVs,…
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Safely: Road Safety Analytics System
Increase road safety for all transportation modes by making effective…
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ZenSite: Smart Charging for Sites and Fleets
With ZenSite SMEs and energy communities make optimal use of their…
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Strava Metro: Data for bicycle and pedestrian planning
Metro is a free tool that aggregates, de-identifies and…
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Tripy: Electric Bike Sharing Platform
In order to provide accessible and sustainable transportation for…
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StreetMx: Data-based design & decision tool for cities, citizens to score and benchmark streets
Scores based on tangible aspects of sustainability, people - oriented…
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Liigu: keyless car rental
Liigu is an app-based mobility service that connects cars to…
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METIS: Interoperable Mobility Analytics and Management Platform
A full control effect on the traffic network to reduce congestion and…
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DUMA: Dynamic Urban Mobility Assistant
Creating accessibility by most accurate, local specific and up-to…
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Cermoni: public transport decision support system
Make public transport the preferred choice by enhancing service…
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Operatti: Smart public transportation in rural areas.
We improve the public transportation services in rural & peri…
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Meep: modular and open integration platform
Meep offers a solution for costumers' clients or citizens that…
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MeePath: Data platform
MeePath is a data platform that tracks, describes and predicts the…
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Powerbox.one: Universal E-bike charging station
POWERBOX is the one stop "wallbox" solution for out-of-home…
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Usage-based insurance for shared mobility
Connected Insurance helps digital platforms to lower risk, reduce…
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Isarsoft Perception. Privacy compliant video analytics.
Isarsoft helps customers and partners to utilize the full potential…
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Actibump for safer roads
The friendly solution for safer roads - Actibump reduces speeding by…
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PLATIO solar paver
Solar EV changing station by powered PLATIO Solar Pavers for smart…
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2blox traffic sensor: Accurate mobility data
2blox creates a community of traffic counters. A community which…
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Dynamic Route Optimization, Mobile Driver App & Tracking
Optiyol is a B2B SaaS which helps retailers and carriers for end-to…
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jCharge - Solar charging system for micromobility
Creating a system of jCharge chargers dedicated to operators of…
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Eliminating curve squealing of tramways and other rail vehicles - CL-E1
Squeal-less tramways are a reality! Health damaging high frequency…
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Strategic masterplanning for cities and new urban developments.
JaJa Architects strategic masterplanning for citites and new urban…
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A.S.S.E.S.S. - Autonomous System for Smart Evaluation of Structures and Assets.
Vertliner provides a platform for autonomous assessments of urban…
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Street Transformations
We help municipalities, developers, or mobility providers communicate…
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OPTIMOB - Decision support tool for bus line electrification
An accessible web-based tool to help bus operators -public or private…
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Next Generation Mobility Hubs
The multifunctional mobility hubs promote green mobility while…
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Honeycomb: Universal Charging Locker Pods for Micromobility
Honeycomb Network is installing universal, smart charging locker pods…
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Bout's water transport platform - Boat rides & cruises
Bout is a marketplace for boat rides & cruises. The application…
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ZOOP - Solar micro car
The Zoop ecosystem of independent shared electric cars will…
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Pendel Mobility: Autonomous Mobility as a Service
Pendel Mobility offers autonomous transport solutions as a service…
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Soca: Urban parking docks for bikes & e-bikes
Soca is a parking station with an electric charging system - designed…
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City Dive by Fluctuo
City Dive offers exclusive metrics on shared mobility data from 250+…
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The Intelligent City Performance Platform - Smart and liveable to the city of th
MHP Intelligent City Performance Platform helps cities and companies…
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Mosaic 51: durable 360º camera for urban mapping & surveying
Mosaic 51 is a reliable and robust tool with clear, high resolution…
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Mosaic Viking: 360º high resolution camera for urban mapping & surveying.
22K resolution captures EVERY last detail, delivering the highest…
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Meight: Transport Fleet Management
Meight is the most advanced carrier software to boost profitability,…
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eBIKE PORT solar: Rest and charging station for e-bikes.
Green energy from the sun for your e-bike!
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Vianova Mobility Policy Auto-Tuner
Vianova Mobility Policy Auto-Tuner is a tool that can map carbon…
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MOOEVO CLEAN: Electrified Sweeper Cart
Mooevo Clean is a sustainable cart with an electric motor designed…
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vadeBike: Safe and secure docking stations.
vadeBike is the solution that enables micro-mobility in the safest…
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Eye-Net Protect: An all-road users safety solution.
Eye-Net developed a mobile All Road-Users V2X Safety Solution, that…
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Pave Commute, the green commuter assistant.
Pave Commute helps employees share rides, build sustainable habits,…
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UMAM: Urban Mobility Assessment Model
The city‘s mobility performance will be analysed according to six…
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Ciclogreen: Corporate mobile app to quantify and reduce emissions
Ciclogreen supports organisations to calculate and reduce their…
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ubitricity: lamppost chargers for urban EV drivers
ubitricity supports cities with a cost-effective and highly scalable…
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Cargo-bike Parcels Box
Minimizing the time required to transfer high volumes of parcels at…
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Factual DRT monitoring dashboard
Demand responsive transport is a mean to reduce private car ownership…
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Lobelia Air: Data on street-level
Lobelia Air is an innovative operational service which produces…
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Factual Smart Commute: Digital Corporate Mobility Planner
Factual Smart Commute supports corporates to empower their employees…
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Moprim Move Together
Mobile app to engage your community towards sustainable mobility. App…
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Logistia Route Planner
Logistia Route Planner is a SaaS designed to help businesses plan end…
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Nimbus: Software platform for robotic applications.
Cloud-based ecosystem for robot fleet configuration, testing,…
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Vivacity AI sensor for traffic flow monitoring.
Our vision is to make cities smarter, safer & more sustainable…
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GoGiro: Micromobility for City Hotels
GoGiro provides everything hotels needs to create an exciting tour to…
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Lyko: APIs for sustainable mobility services
One integration, Countless mobility providers wordlwide - with our…
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Triplesign: Variable Message Sign
Triplesign - The sustainable solution for the future. Solar powered…
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See.Sense Data Services for Micromobility
Our granular sensor data insights into the experience of the cyclist…
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Watergen On-Board: Creating water from air
Watergen ON-Board is the perfect off grid and on-the-go water-from…
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Cyber2Car: the safeguard for connected cars
Cyber2Car prevents attacks from reaching the connected car.
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N1 Mobility Helmet
The Newton-Rider N1 helmet is like no other: Sleek, Thin, Semi-soft…
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Polarity II: Smart Lampposts for Smart Roads
Empowering cities with edge infrastructure devices for smart road…
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Ottopia: Teleassistance and Teleoperation for AV
Ottopia enables OEM and AV makers to commercialize on their…
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GOAT (Geo Open Accessibility Tool): Planning instrument for the 15-Min-City
GOAT is a cloud-based planning software that enables change-makers in…
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SmartMonkey Planner: Route optimiser for last-mile deliveries
SmartMonkey improves the delivery experience by reducing 90% of…
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Trailer Duck: Electrical powered cargo bike
Transport 300kg/2m³ without any effort by bike or in handcard mode
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Mobilypod: Secure bike shelters
Bike shelters made from recycled shipping containers - Mobilypod is…
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DASHTRACK: Urban Platform for Cycling and Infrastructure Data
To make cycling safe and even more attractive in an innovative and…
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DASHBIKE: Camera device for cycling and infrastructure data collection
To make cycling safe and even more attractive in an innovative and…
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WYZE: Electric Scooters for Mobility Services
WYZE promotes lifestyle e-mobility with impact - through our e…
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Swobbee: Battery Swapping Station
We offer a decentralised, safe charging solution from a single source…
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FlexCurb Driver by Urban Radar
Equip drivers with better access to loading zones. Reduce emissions…
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E-GAP: urban, mobile on-demand charging service
E-GAP contributes to the development of a sustainable world thanks to…
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FlexCurb Planning by Urban Radar
Streamline decision making on curb planning. Digitize curb and…
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Cezigue: app-builder for connected mobility
Cezigue is a web platform that provides the ability to build easily…
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DILAX Citisense
DILAX Citisense combines multiple sources of mobility data and offers…
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Wello: solar-powered e-cargo bikes
Wello is the perfect mix between the best of an electric bike and van.
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Mobile Mapping Systems.
Urban road inventory production over panoramic images with point…
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Fret Impact by Urban Radar
Key data metrics and visualizations for cities, regions and towns to:…
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eParkio: p2p parking management
eParkio provides seamless parking with its automated parking…
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Urban Air Quality Sensors
Breeze Technologies supports organizations to create better clean air…
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Sideline: Mobile & Ecological Car Wash
Sideline provides mobile eco-friendly car wash services anytime,…
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deeptraffic 101: Traffic Management Software
The future of dynamic traffic management for connected and automated…
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Neko Double Decker Bike Rack
Cycling infrastructure that everyone can use with the space-saving…
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Fleet Operations Planning Simulator
Our Simulation as a Service tool allows you to:Easily generate…
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BLOCK 2P: 2-point locking system
BLOCK 2P fights bicycle and scooter theft for a more sustainable…
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CurbIQ: Understand, manage, analyze and optimize your curbside
Digitise the curb using data automation process which then allows…
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Ara SaaS for Real-time Data Management
An innovative solution to manage real-time mobility & transport…
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Last Mile Digital Platform
Fairer, smarter and greener urban logistics and last mile delivery…
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Autonomous Road Inspector: traffic signage & road surface detection
With ASIMOB cities can rely on accurate information about the…
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Chouette SaaS for Schedule Data Management
Improve your mobility and transport operations without disruption by…
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Keet: Digital LCV Fleet Manager
Keet allows SMEs to control their LCV fleet in real-time and…
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KERB: Smart Parking Solutions
KERB is a global-from-Day-One "smart parking" and mobility…
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SmartCar Mobility Platform
A universal API platform bridging vehicles and apps, enabling…
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Zipper® cycle lane separators
Zipper® makes it possible to separate traffic flows in cities.
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Etheclobox for thermo sensitive last mile deliveries.
etheclo, the missing link for thermo sensitive monitoring ) - food,…
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BLINK! Lighting Saddles
BLINK! Lighting Saddles awards cyclists & road users with a new…
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Autonomous Delivery Technology for Online Order Platforms.
We reimagine last-mile delivery process by using autonomous sidewalk…
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Phygital Analytics: Mobile devices detection and user behaviour analysis
Awarded phygital solution to know and modify the habits and behaviour…
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Trafi for Cities
Our City-led MaaS solution offers:White label business modelSpeed of…
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Forfait Mobilité Durable
With RoadMate, reduce your company's carbon footprint.Our…
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Remote Sensing Device
The only existing solution to KNOW and CONTROL traffic emissions.A…
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Zebra® Family cycle lane separators
We work to make cycling mobility safer and to make cities more…
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ElectricFeel Shared Mobility OS
Launch grow your shared mobility business with an all-in-one…
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Docking and charging stations for scooters
Universal docking and charging stations for scooter sharing…
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QOOB Mobility HUB
QOOB provides the ultimate platform to manage micromobility in real…
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MAMCA Decision Making Software
The MAMCA software enables stakeholders engagement in complex…
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Bia EV Data Services
Bia’s EV data service enables businesses and public bodies to improve…
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Long Clean Surface
LONG CLEAN SURFACE provides permanent disinfection to public spaces…
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Vianova Curb Manager
Vianova's curbside management tools enable cities to dynamically…
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Vianova Mobility Data
Enhanced user experience: data can enable businesses to improve the…
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Vianova Mobility Manager
Vianova tools aim to make mobility safer and more sustainable…
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