VertiPlace: Analyse vertiport operability

Analyze the operability of vertiports upfront as well as to optimize it according to VTOL type, target placement and local weather.

Product Details



Challenge Area addressed

Future Mobility

VertiPlace is a software solution suited for AAM stakeholders in the need of embed weather while taking right decisions related to investment, design, infrastructure planning and operation planning.

  • Faster ROI and reduced risk
  • Intuitive use and seamless integration
  • Flexible insights based on your needs

How to use?

VertiPlace can be used in one of these ways:

  • Via Website (GUI)
  • On Excel, Python or other platforms via API
  • GIS compatible software


Discover cities and markets where the product is available. London (United Kingdom) ; Madrid (Spain) ; Helsinki (Finland) ; Vienna (Austria) ; Rome (Italy) ; Copenhagen (Denmark) ; Stockholm (Sweden) ; Athens (Greece) ; Belgium ; Milan (Italy) ; Florence (Italy) ; Berlin (Germany) ; Munich (Germany) ; Budapest (Hungary) ; Barcelona (Spain) ; Oslo (Norway) ; İstanbul (Türkiye) ; Paris (France) ; Prague (Czechia) ; Venice (Italy) ; Dublin (Ireland) ; Amsterdam (Netherlands)