ratioX bicycle CVT gear system

Autonomous & durable gear system that fulfils the missing needs for commuter eBikes

Supported by: EIT Urban Mobility

Product Details

Designed for

Mobility service providers



Challenge Area addressed

Mobility Infrastructure

ratioX CVT gear system: autonomous, instantaneous and above all: touchless. The true equivalent to automatic transmissions that are the accepted standard in motor scooters and cars, has finally arrived for eBikes. This brings a safer and more comfortable ride without distractions - a blessing for regular cyclists: both commuters and (professional) cargo eBike riders. 

Light, robust, and reliable. Shielded from dust and dirt in a waterproof casing and composed of only mechanical components, ratioX ensures reliable operation, and maintenance is reduced to a regular check-up. 

With the advent of ratioX, eBike gearing trade-offs become a thing of the past, addressing a broader trend toward convenience, accessibility, and user-friendliness in transportation options.

The innovation is simple yet ingenious, and patent protected. ratioX is the first company that succeeded in making the continuously variable transmission a reality!

ratioX CVT gear system unit
ratioX bicycle CVT gear system integration example - entire bike
ratioX CVT gear system unit
ratioX bicycle CVT gear system integration example - entire bike


Discover cities and markets where the product is available. Lausanne (Switzerland)