The Good Seat : get the best ride-hailing and taxi data & offers with integrated booking and payments
Transforms users' platform into a global mobility hub with real-time ride options, boosting revenue and delighting customers.
Supported by: EIT Urban Mobility
Product Details
🌟 Elevates Customer Experience with The Good Seat's White-Label Distribution Solutions 🌟
🚗 Real-Time Ride Options: Access their extensive network of ride-hailing and taxi service providers, including Uber, Bolt and Freenow, all within their platform.
💳 Effortless Payments: Their user-friendly payment system streamlines transactions, ensuring a seamless experience for customers.
🌍 Global Coverage: Reach a worldwide audience with their extensive network of providers (130+ countries, 5M drivers).
💰 Boost Revenue: Earn commissions on every ride and foster customer loyalty with enhanced services.
⌚️ Effortless Integration: Their white-label solutions seamlessly fit their platform, providing a smooth user experience.
💡 Transform Users' Business: Join them in redefining transportation services.
🌟 Elevates Customer Experience with The Good Seat's White-Label Distribution Solutions 🌟
🚗 Real-Time Ride Options: Access their extensive network of ride-hailing and taxi service providers, including Uber, Bolt and Freenow, all within their platform.
💳 Effortless Payments: Their user-friendly payment system streamlines transactions, ensuring a seamless experience for customers.
🌍 Global Coverage: Reach a worldwide audience with their extensive network of providers (130+ countries, 5M drivers).
💰 Boost Revenue: Earn commissions on every ride and foster customer loyalty with enhanced services.
⌚️ Effortless Integration: Their white-label solutions seamlessly fit their platform, providing a smooth user experience.
💡 Transform Users' Business: Join them in redefining transportation services.