Smart Zones: Digital and bookable curbside spaces
Coding the Curbs provide cities with "Smart Zones" –…
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Volvero: Vehicle sharing platform
Volvero creates a system in which whoever has a car, motorcycle or…
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BUDDY Service: urban support & accessible travel services
A One-stop-shop that facilitates information and booking of required…
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SpotBeam: V2X for Safer Mobility
To improve pedestrian's safety and traffic control by leveraging…
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Karos Mobility: Carpool platform for daily commuting
Karos is the best AI-powered carpooling mobile app that offers…
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ANDYAMO: Multimodal route planner adapted to people with reduced mobility
Andyamo helps users develop alternative solutions to private cars,…
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waveOut: The platform for audio augmented reality navigation
Costumers the world through their ears! The latest technology of…
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IPA2X - Intelligent pedestrian assistant
IPA2X is built to help children, the elderly, and people with…
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Mapalyse: Public Participation GIS Tool
Increase citizen engagement by collecting public opinions to…
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Zipforce Distance - eBike kit
Zipforce is a portable and light, easy-to-assemble electric motor…
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MIOO: Ready to ride assembly service for bike e-commerce
Online bike resellers can partner up with MIOO and offer a…
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Zipforce Slim - eBike kit
Zipforce is a portable and light, easy-to-assemble electric motor…
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