Discover market-ready and sustainable mobility innovations

Explore market-ready mobility solutions across diverse needs and areas. Discover innovations proven to positively impact global smart cities.
Image for Autodrive Solutions: Road Digitisation
Autodrive Solutions: Road Digitisation

Developing the roads of the future. Analog roads will be easily…

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Image for GalNav Indoor Navigation
GalNav Indoor Navigation

GalNav indoor initially enables turn-by-turn navigation for website…

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Image for DKSR: Open Urban Data Platform
DKSR: Open Urban Data Platform

Put urban data into sustainable use for your municipality: With an…

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Image for This App Saves Lives: Mobile app that rewards undistracted driving
This App Saves Lives: Mobile app that rewards undistracted driving

This App Saves Lives is a mobile app-based solution that uses rewards…

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Image for SWITCH: Mobility demand prediction platform
SWITCH: Mobility demand prediction platform

Revolutionise shared fleet distribution, operations and city planning…

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Image for xFlow - Enabling autonomous vehicles
xFlow - Enabling autonomous vehicles

Bringing autonomous processes to life - xFlow®, has a unique value…

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Image for ITC: Intelligent Traffic Control
ITC: Intelligent Traffic Control

ITC is an innovative software-only solution that improves the usage…

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Image for Inbalance grid: smart EV charging solution
Inbalance grid: smart EV charging solution

The solution allows installing charging stations in locations with…

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Image for TrueSight 1.0
TrueSight 1.0

TrueSight 1.0 enables machines to see the world built for humans in…

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Image for Flash Park: Outdoor IoT parking detection sensors
Flash Park: Outdoor IoT parking detection sensors

Flash Park monitors parking in non-delimited areas. The solution…

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Image for Newky: Digital Key of Mobility and Physical World
Newky: Digital Key of Mobility and Physical World

Newky converts a user's mobile phone into a digital key,…

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Image for Urban Logistics by Urban Radar
Urban Logistics by Urban Radar

Benefit from a global vision of local delivery activity to implement…

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