Best Practice Tabs
Discover success stories and case studies from leading cities, providing simple, effective lessons for implementing positive changes in urban mobility.

Empowering multimodal mobility through incentives and data
Cities worldwide are grappling with increasing levels of air and noise pollution, traffic congestion, and road accidents.

Creating space in Bucharest, Groningen and Riga through Smart Zones
Urban logistics management urgently needs to evolve as congestion, pollution, and increasing pressure on inner-city spaces reach critical levels.

Riga's path to promote active transport for the first and last mile
In Riga’s current context, most residents continue to rely on private cars for daily commutes.

Identifying individual mobility patterns in Munich
The city of Munich, with its population of 1.5 million, faces significant environmental and traffic challenges due to the increasing number of inhabitants and private vehicles.

The Physical Internet arrives to Madrid's last mile distribution
The CITYlogin collaboration with Horizon Europe PLANET Project has addressed the challenge of last mile deliv

Enhancing scooter parking safety with computer vision technology
In Istanbul, the rise of shared micromobility services, notably e-scooters, aims to tackle urban transportation issues and promote eco-friendly commuting.