Best Practice Tabs
Discover success stories and case studies from leading cities, providing simple, effective lessons for implementing positive changes in urban mobility.

The benefits of interoperability and collaboration in urban logistics
In today's supply chain environment, businesses face numerous challenges due to the increasing complexity and dynamism of the market.

Pioneering hydrogen cargo bikes with swappable H2 cylinders
Urban logistics and last-mile delivery in European cities face significant challenges that impact sustainable mobility.

Consolidated last-mile microhubs in Ruoholahti shopping centre
In Helsinki, one of the challenges has been to reduce the use of vans for deliveries in central areas of the city due to their contribution to local air pollution (NOx).
Our Top Picks
Read all about implemented mobility innovations that benefit the planet and businesses.

Cooperation amongst competitors in Bologna's parcel distribution
In the scope of the URBANE project, the Bologna Living Lab (LL) has been implemented in the historical centre of the municipality, which has an area of about 4 kmĀ².

Creating space in Bucharest, Groningen and Riga through Smart Zones
Urban logistics management urgently needs to evolve as congestion, pollution, and increasing pressure on inner-city spaces reach critical levels.

The Physical Internet arrives to Madrid's last mile distribution
The CITYlogin collaboration with Horizon Europe PLANET Project has addressed the challenge of last mile deliv