Best Practice Tabs
Discover success stories and case studies from leading cities, providing simple, effective lessons for implementing positive changes in urban mobility.

Helsingborg: Portable parks as a flexible solution to green the city
A flexible approach for building the sustainable city

Vilnius: From car focus to society focus
Car dominance hindering the potential of a natural gathering place

Istanbul: Applied immersive modelling to engage public transport users
The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality aims to develop a new Mobility Lab.

CES4Kids: Co-creation of Sustainable Mobility
City planners and mobility experts from all over the planet have a common challenge on their hands: to change the mobility habits that have been embedded in society over the last 50 years since the

Graz: Implementing 'School Living Labs'
In many cities, parents do not feel safe letting their children walk or cycle to school because of the traffic situation – not realising that they themselves contribute to the dangerous situation b

Community Mobility Sharepoints in Munich and Zurich
The goal is to encourage and support families in urban areas to be mobile without a private car and use active modes of travel, such as the electric cargo bike or a pedelec with a trailer attached.