Discover market-ready and sustainable mobility innovations

Explore market-ready mobility solutions across diverse needs and areas. Discover innovations proven to positively impact global smart cities.
Image for Parkly: Modular urban furniture
Parkly: Modular urban furniture

Parkly's multifunctional and modular urban furniture helps to…

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Image for Citizen's Needs by Urban Radar
Citizen's Needs by Urban Radar

Proximity based urban planning and 15-min city to meet citizen's…

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Image for Mapalyse: Public Participation GIS Tool
Mapalyse: Public Participation GIS Tool

Increase citizen engagement by collecting public opinions to…

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Image for Gocleer: Mobility Data Platform
Gocleer: Mobility Data Platform

A modular platform to help insurers, corporates and city councils to…

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Image for SET: Street Experiments Tool
SET: Street Experiments Tool

SET helps to implement street experiments (quick and low-cost…

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Image for Mosaic X: 360º camera for 3D modelling and mapping
Mosaic X: 360º camera for 3D modelling and mapping

Mosaic X is a purposely-built, top quality mapping camera that allows…

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Image for ModelMe3D: Immersive Co-Design of Public Spaces
ModelMe3D: Immersive Co-Design of Public Spaces

ModelMe3D is the only co-design platform in the world where costumers…

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Image for FURNISH

By enabling efficient and effective transformations of outdoor urban…

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Image for RAPID: 3D Prototyping
RAPID: 3D Prototyping

Early prototyping of mobility infrastructure changes, along with…

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Image for Smart Spot
Smart Spot

IoT device for environmental parameter sensoring. The inclusion of…

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Image for HOPU: Environmental data analysis & visualisation
HOPU: Environmental data analysis & visualisation

Hopu’s SaaS is an evidence-based air quality solution with high…

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Image for Mosaic: Mobile Street Mapping Service
Mosaic: Mobile Street Mapping Service

Mosaic’s Mobile Street Mapping Service gathers large amounts of…

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