Best Practice Tabs
Discover success stories and case studies from leading cities, providing simple, effective lessons for implementing positive changes in urban mobility.
Braga, Istanbul, Tallinn: Accelerating the modal shift through gamification
The cities of Braga, Tallinn and Istanbul are developing ambitious plans to improve the mobility of people and goods, reduce emissions and promote the shift towards low-carbon mobility systems and
Tel-Aviv: Retrofitting bike racks for secure and connected micromobility parking
Every 18 minutes a bicycle or scooter is stolen in Tel Aviv. Theft is ranked as the second most important reason for not using micro mobility.
Milan, Modena and Ljubljana: Robotic assistance for safer street crossing
Road traffic injuries continue to represent a significant challenge. This places further pressure on the most vulnerable mobility groups: children, the elderly, and people with disabilities
Prague: Implementing cargo bicycle hubs
Delivery vans occupy the historical centre of town
Bicycles are not very well used in the city and cargo bikes were almost unheard of by citizens before this scheme
The terra
Bologna: App incentivices sustainable travel for citizens
SRM, Bologna’s public transport authority, wanted to try a new approach to improve congestion and reduce CO2 emissions in the city.
Behavioural change campaign encouraging the use of the cycle highway
After 80 years, the Waal bridge near Nijmegen was in need of major maintenance. A lot of traffic disruption was expected during the works which would take 1.5 years to complete.