Braga, Istanbul, Tallinn: Accelerating the modal shift through gamification


Tallinn (Estonia)

Braga (Portugal)

Challenge area:

Creating Public Realm

Pollution Reduction

Implementation period:


Supported by: EIT Urban Mobility

The Challenge

The cities of Braga, Tallinn and Istanbul are developing ambitious plans to improve the mobility of people and goods, reduce emissions and promote the shift towards low-carbon mobility systems and smart cities. To tackle air pollution and traffic congestion, the cities aim to promote more urban cycling.

While introducing and improving urban cycling infrastructure and services is important, citizens need to first change their attitude towards active mobility. In this context, the BICIFICATION project was aimed at nudging active mobility in three cities.

The Solution

The project adopted the antifraud system patented by Pin Bike to certify, monitor, and reward urban bike rides. The system is based on the comparison of two sources of data collection, both from hardware (Pin Bike sensor) and software (Pin Bike App) devices. Local authorities rewarded urban cyclists with economic incentives to be spent in local shops, while benefitting from valuable and trustable data collected in the Pin Bike Dashboard, a web portal informing smart cities' data-driven policies and investments with traffic, usage and infrastructure insights from the project.