Creating space in Bucharest, Groningen and Riga through Smart Zones
Curbside unloading causing chaotic traffic situations
The Challenge
Urban logistics management urgently needs to evolve as congestion, pollution, and increasing pressure on inner-city spaces reach critical levels. While logistics are vital to a flourishing city economy, the space required for loading and unloading at the curbside often comes at the expense of movement, social interaction, and recreation.
The curbside is inherently a flexible space where movement and stillness intersect, but it increasingly leads to chaotic and unsafe situations. Cities must therefore manage scarce public space in a sustainable and efficient manner. For logistics, this requires a shift from the 'first come, first served' approach and chaotic environments to a system of booked, guaranteed spaces and 'pay-per-use' models.
This project addresses the challenge: can digitising the curbside make logistics loading and unloading more efficient, thereby allowing the curbside's flexible nature to function in a more controlled and orderly manner?