Smart Spot

IoT device for environmental parameter sensoring. The inclusion of all sensors in a single device provides savings in installation, maintenance and management costs.

Supported by: EIT Urban Mobility

Product Details



Challenge Area addressed

Future Mobility

Pollution Reduction

Smart Spot is an advanced and robust IoT device that monitors a wide range of environmental parameters such as air quality, noise, and temperature. Using a single device, different data is measured to show the environmental and contextual changes in a city over time. Corresponding IoT device management software accompanies the device and is fully customisable.

The Smart Spot covers the following parameters:

  • Air quality monitoring - the air quality sensors are inside the device so that their integrity is ensured, and they are protected from adverse weather conditions
  • Gas monitoring
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Noise (high reliability)
  • Crowd monitoring
  • Water or energy metering
  • Innovative Radio Environment Map (REM), which displays radiofrequency attacks or anomalies