Discover market-ready and sustainable mobility innovations

Explore market-ready mobility solutions across diverse needs and areas. Discover innovations proven to positively impact global smart cities.
Image for Liigu: keyless car rental
Liigu: keyless car rental

Liigu is an app-based mobility service that connects cars to…

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Image for METIS: Interoperable Mobility Analytics and Management Platform
METIS: Interoperable Mobility Analytics and Management Platform

A full control effect on the traffic network to reduce congestion and…

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Image for DUMA: Dynamic Urban Mobility Assistant
DUMA: Dynamic Urban Mobility Assistant

Creating accessibility by most accurate, local specific and up-to…

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Image for Cermoni: Public Transport Decision Support System
Cermoni: Public Transport Decision Support System

Make public transport preferable by increasing service level, meeting…

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Image for Operatti: Smart public transportation in rural areas.
Operatti: Smart public transportation in rural areas.

We improve the public transportation services in rural & peri…

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Image for Meep: modular and open integration platform
Meep: modular and open integration platform

Meep offers a solution for costumers' clients or citizens that…

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Image for MeePath: Data platform
MeePath: Data platform

MeePath is a data platform that tracks, describes and predicts the…

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Image for Universal E-bike charging station Universal E-bike charging station

POWERBOX is the one stop "wallbox" solution for out-of-home…

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Image for Usage-based insurance for shared mobility
Usage-based insurance for shared mobility

Connected Insurance helps digital platforms to lower risk, reduce…

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Image for Isarsoft Perception. Privacy compliant video analytics.
Isarsoft Perception. Privacy compliant video analytics.

Isarsoft helps customers and partners to utilize the full potential…

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Image for Actibump for safer roads
Actibump for safer roads

The friendly solution for safer roads - Actibump reduces speeding by…

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Image for PLATIO solar paver
PLATIO solar paver

Solar EV changing station by powered PLATIO Solar Pavers for smart…

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