Worldwide: Integrating urban electric mobility solutions.

Key Facts


Bogotá (Colombia)

Yerevan (Armenia)

Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Opening and closing date:

16/12/2022 - 31/01/2023

Funds available (up to):

50,000 EUR

Challenge area:

Mobility Energy

Offered by:



The SOLUTIONSplus Replication Call for Proposals is to build on the experience gained in the demonstration actions and to replicate lessons learned, business models developed, technology solutions tested, operational schemes implemented in replication projects across selected countries. The first call will focus on proposals for replication projects in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. Focus countries for this call are Armenia, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador. However, this does not preclude applications from other countries.

Therefore, the SOLUTIONSplus project will make available up to EUR 50,000 for selected private entities (including start-ups), NGOs, research institutions active in electric mobility and mobility operators to explore the feasibility, design, implement and evaluate innovative solutions, based on current SOLUTIONSplus demonstration actions, around the operation, management & maintenance of locally assembled and manufactured electric vehicles and electric vehicle supply equipment. In this context, the areas that will be prioritized under this call will be:

  1. the use of Light Electric Vehicles (LEV) in urban areas to improve logistics and passenger connectivity,
  2. charging infrastructure for different types of electric vehicles.
  3. feasibility assessments exploring the replication of technologies or business models tested in the demonstration actions.

For the Replication Call, each organization can present up to two project proposals, however, only one proposal could be funded.

Published on 18 January 2023.