SME Fund 2025 to protect trade marks, designs, patents and plant varieties

The Challenge
The SME Fund offers financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) established in the European Union to protect their trade marks, designs, patents and plant varieties. Types of vouchers:
- Voucher 1: Trade Marks & Designs - €700
- Voucher 2: National Patents and Prior Art Search - €1,000
- Voucher 3: European Patents and Legal Costs - €2,500
- Voucher 4: Community Plant Varieties - €1,500
Who can apply?
All SMEs established in the EU are eligible to apply for a grant. Owners, authorised employees or external representatives can apply. A representative is defined as any third party, whether a natural or legal person, who is duly authorised by the SME to represent it legally. If the company applying to the SME Fund employs the services of an external representative, a "declaration on honour", duly signed by both parties, must be submitted when filling in the electronic application form. All grant reimbursements are deposited directly into the bank account of the SME indicated in the application.
Evaluation of the submitted applications during the period: weekly cut-off: every Friday
Evaluation and notification period: 10 working days from cut-off
The Ideas Powered for business SME Fund is a grant scheme designed to help EU-based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) protect their intellectual property (IP) rights. The SME Fund is a European Commission initiative implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).