MOBIHUB Stralsund
The "MOBIHUB Stralsund" project is being carried out by the Hanseatic City of Stralsund as part of the federal program "Sustainable Inner Cities and Centres".
Along with the upgrading of the public space within the old town, this area, strategically located on the outskirts of the old town, should combine resident parking and innovative transport services with offers for sharing mobility and be equipped with an integrated service area and a district shop that offers space for neighborhood projects. This is intended to bundle the current parking pressure from residents, relieve streets and inner courtyards of traffic and make an initial contribution to the mobility turnaround.
The overall project is to be developed in a participatory process involving public and private actors. The public street space and space in residential quarters that has been gained by eliminating parking spaces is to be mobilized for stay and action and equipped with attractive open space elements.
The overall project is divided into various sub-projects with different focal points.
Lot 1: Coordination and management of the overall project "MOBIHUB Stralsund" as well as public relations
For the successful completion of the project as a whole, professional project control of the five sub-projects as well as the planned control of public relations as a targeted involvement of the city society will be advertised externally.
The public relations work is subdivided into three different components, as the target groups differ in each case.
Lot 2: Design concept for selected public (street) spaces and courtyards in the old town
The public street space and space in residential quarters that has been gained by eliminating parking spaces is to be mobilized for stay and action and equipped with attractive open space elements. The project area includes a large part of Stralsund's old town, with a radius of approx. 500 m around the planned mobility hub as the catchment area for future users.
The focus is on the concept development for selected streets relieved of stationary traffic and for at least one neighborhood courtyard. Individual concrete measures should already be implemented during the funding period.
Lot 3: Feasibility study and preliminary planning for a mobility hub
The planned mobility hub, which will be used for around 30 years, is to be built in District 9, in the north-west of the old town. The approx. 3,630 m² area is one of the last available fallow areas in the old town. The Aral itself has an underground car park, an above-ground development of this represents a particular challenge due to the static conditions. The mobility hub is to have approx. 250 parking spaces accommodate, which can be used in particular by residents and tradespeople in the surrounding densely built-up quarters.
Whether and under what conditions a mobility hub can be implemented is to be examined as part of a feasibility study and initial preliminary planning, accompanied by intensive public participation.