High-quality bicycle parking facilities for the city of Vienna

Key Facts


Opening and closing date:

26/06/2024 - 26/09/2024

Challenge area:

Active Mobility

Mobility Infrastructure

Offered by:

Bike Parking Challenge

The Challenge

Vienna is facing a growing challenge as the use of bicycles, including e-bikes, continues to rise. The city needs to address the increased demand for secure, high-quality parking solutions. Currently, the 'Viennese hoop' provides a basic short-term parking option, but with the growing use of higher-value bicycles and diverse parking needs - such as overnight storage at the end of commuting routes - more advanced solutions are required.

To enhance the appeal of everyday cycling for Vienna's residents, innovative parking solutions are crucial. There's a particular need for expanded parking facilities at major transportation hubs, like bike stations or garages, where bicycles are often left unattended during the day. Furthermore, investing in high-quality bicycle parking can significantly benefit existing residential areas by accommodating longer-term parking needs for both commuters and local residents.

The main challenges for bicycle parking facilities include:

  • Limited space availability in dense urban areas
  • Lack of security against theft and vandalism
  • High maintenance, operational, and cleaning efforts
  • Suitability for all common bicycle models 

Who can apply?

The following minimum requirements should be considered:

  • Basic requirements for bicycle parking: stability, lockable, lighting, manoeuvring space, etc. 
  • Space efficiency: compact design
  • Accessibility: 24/7, 365 days a year:
  • Security: robustness, theft protection, vandalism prevention, effective access control, etc.
  • User-friendliness: clear instructions, low effort for operation, etc.
  • Unified and vendor-neutral access system for all facilities, even when using different types of installations (both digital and offline solutions, e.g., QR codes, apps, and terminals).
  • Scalability: expandability based on increasing demand or adaptability to locations with varying needs
  • Functional modularity: retrofitting and adaptability for necessary technical features
  • High-quality design: proportions, harmonious colour choices, recognisable elements for citywide mobility branding, high-quality and durable materials, etc.

Additionally, the following criteria are positively evaluated:

  • Modular expandability: monitoring systems, charging infrastructure, reservation options, payment systems, etc.
  • Weather protection: modular construction to add shelter where local coverage is lacking
  • Resource-efficient material use: environmentally friendly materials, minimal material usage, etc.
  • Service contracts for ongoing operation: cleaning, maintenance, removal of abandoned bicycles, customer service, technical support hotline, booking management, and usage evaluation.