Helsinki: Development of digital innovations to enhance the quality of life for citizens with disabilities
People with multiple severe disabilities often face marginalisation due to a combination of social, environmental, economic, and systemic factors. They must overcome a multitude of seemingly insurmountable obstacles to be able to interact with the world. From communication difficulties to mobility constraints, their challenges are diverse and complex. The currently existing digital and traditional solutions often fall short in addressing their unique needs comprehensively.
Day Activity Center Sofianlehto aims to empower individuals with multiple severe disabilities and enhance their ability to interact with the world using new assistive technologies. Creating inclusive multisensory experiences – such as travel, sports, or cultural events – allowing individuals with severe disabilities to participate, is one of the objectives. The third aspect of the challenge is to find digital solutions that could be utilised to collect feedback from individuals whose communication is limited to non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, body movements, gestures, and vocalisations.
Day Activity Center Sofianlehto is especially interested in:
- Advanced augmentative and alternative communication solutions utilising, for example gaze-tracking, gesture recognition and AI.
- Immersive, interactive multisensory environments including VR, AR, haptic, gaze-tracking and BCI.
- Customizable, technologically advanced mobility aids that enhance movement and accessibility in both indoor and outdoor environments, such as smart wheelchair and lidar navigation – mapping.
- Accessible gaming such as AI, VR and customizable controls.
The chosen solutions should be customizable for the unique needs of people with severe disabilities. Secondly, it must be user friendly (installation, setup, customization, updating or maintenance should not require advanced digital skills) and thirdly, it has to be Integrable with current and future digital systems. Finally, sustainability (durable and repairable devices) must be considered.
Up to two pilots are hosted by Day Activity Center Sofianlehto located in Helsinki. The mission at Sofianlehto is to enhance inclusion and open the door to a world of sensory experiences for their 70 clients. Currently used technologies and digital tools: include: SHX Sensory Room devices, Soundbeam, Yeti tablet, Interactive floor, Neurosonic and physioacoustic recliners as well as digital and electronic AAC devices.
Published on 28 September, 2023.