Explore the latest technology trends around sustainable and smart mobility

Stay informed and expand your expertise with our curated articles by urban mobility experts. Dive into the latest sustainable mobility trends that shape future urban transport and infrastructure.
Image for Public Mobile Robots on the forerun: critical standards to preserve quality
3 minutes reading time
Public Mobile Robots on the forerun: critical standards to preserve quality
While public mobile robots (PMRs) are commonly described in terms of last-mile delivery new models which assist humans in public-space maintenance, management and monitoring have entered the scene
Image for Five ways to replace parking spaces in cities | Keynote by Lior Steinberg
4 minutes reading time
Five ways to replace parking spaces in cities | Keynote by Lior Steinberg
Unlike politics or the economy, urban mobility is discussed rather calmly. In most cases, discussions about micromobility, transit, and self-driving cars don't result in aggression or anger.
Image for Decarbonisation of road freight transport: How to accelerate the uptake of zero
1 minutes reading time
Decarbonisation of road freight transport: How to accelerate the uptake of zero
Decarbonisation of road freight transport depends not only on the availability of novel vehicle propulsion concepts on the market, but as well on the availability of the required charging and fuell
Image for Intermodality comfort required: micro-mobility and public transit
3 minutes reading time
Intermodality comfort required: micro-mobility and public transit
As cities invest into their public transport systems, a fundamental question arises: how can they connect travellers to their destinations using a limited number of stations?
Image for The European AI market: towards ethical leadership
3 minutes reading time
The European AI market: towards ethical leadership
Artificial Intelligence has been coming on strong in Europe – despite remaining market-entry burdens, many high-quality solutions have been developed in Europe to support use cases in the urban mob
Image for The future of mobility: +110 innovations ready to make the difference
1 minutes reading time
The future of mobility: +110 innovations ready to make the difference
Reaching our collective 2030 emission reduction targets requires accelerated innovation to shift towards sustainable urban mobility.