An interactive LED light-emitting road marking system enhancing safety and visibility for drivers and pedestrians. It improves road sharing, boosts compliance with markings, and reduces risky behavior

Product Details

Designed for



Public Transport Authorities

Public Transport Operators

Mobility service providers

Logistics operators



Challenge Area addressed

Mobility Infrastructure

Retrolight System® marks a significant leap in intersection safety, proving effective in traffic calming, particularly in areas with low visibility, complex intersections, vulnerable users, and adverse weather conditions.

Operating seamlessly, it activates LED light panels upon detecting a pedestrian's imminent crossing, integrated into the asphalt and vertical signals. During inactive periods, it remains off, ensuring sustained effectiveness and minimal power consumption.

What sets it apart is its in-house production of LED light panels, meeting the highest standards of slip resistance, waterproofing, anti-vandalism protection, and thermal shock resistance. Moreover, it offers customization options, from color to size, to cater to specific location requirements.

Highly adaptable, Retrolight System® finds applications in pedestrian crossings, bike lanes, airports, industrial sites, and more. Solutions are already successfully implemented in Spain, Greece, Portugal, Chile, and Iceland


Discover cities and markets where the product is available. Perales del Puerto (Cáceres, Spain) ; Los Santos de Maimona (Badajoz, Spain) ; Coaña (Coaña, Asturias, Spain) ; Usansolo (Biscay, Spain) ; Reykjavík (Iceland) ; Cascais (Portugal) ; Castilleja de la Cuesta (Seville, Spain) ; Santiago (Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile) ; Athens (Greece) ; Thessaloniki (Greece) ; Añora (Córdoba, Spain) ; Madrid (Spain) ; Arucas (Las Palmas, Spain) ; El Hierro (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain)