Maptionnaire: Citizen engagement platform
Maptionnaire is a hassle-free citizen engagement platform that…
Find out more...Road.Travel: Adaptive Travel Guides
Creators of Adaptive Travel Guides, pioneering device-to-car tech…
Find out more...This App Saves Lives: Mobile app that rewards undistracted driving
This App Saves Lives is a mobile app-based solution that uses rewards…
Find out more...Safely: Road Safety Analytics System
Increase road safety for all transportation modes by making effective…
Find out more...Strava Metro: Data for bicycle and pedestrian planning
Metro is a free tool that aggregates, de-identifies and…
Find out more...DUMA: Dynamic Urban Mobility Assistant
Creating accessibility by most accurate, local specific and up-to…
Find out more...Operatti: Smart public transportation in rural areas.
We improve the public transportation services in rural & peri…
Find out Universal E-bike charging station
POWERBOX is the one stop "wallbox" solution for out-of-home…
Find out more...Eye-Net Protect: An all-road users safety solution.
Eye-Net developed a mobile All Road-Users V2X Safety Solution, that…
Find out more...Pave Commute, the green commuter assistant.
Pave Commute helps employees share rides, build sustainable habits,…
Find out more...UMAM: Urban Mobility Assessment Model
The city‘s mobility performance will be analysed according to six…
Find out more...Factual DRT monitoring dashboard
Demand responsive transport is a mean to reduce private car ownership…
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