Discover market-ready and sustainable mobility innovations

Explore market-ready mobility solutions across diverse needs and areas. Discover innovations proven to positively impact global smart cities.
Image for BRUNTOR: Last-mile delivery kick-scooter
BRUNTOR: Last-mile delivery kick-scooter

The fastest last-mile delivery vehicle in the city.

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Image for SHQUARED: Micro-Hubs for logistics
SHQUARED: Micro-Hubs for logistics

A digital platform for micro hubs sharing.

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Image for Citizen's Needs by Urban Radar
Citizen's Needs by Urban Radar

Proximity based urban planning and 15-min city to meet citizen's…

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Image for geoFluxus: Transparency platform for urban goods and waste flows
geoFluxus: Transparency platform for urban goods and waste flows

geoFluxus helps costumers to find better alternatives for their…

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Image for VONZU: Last-mile logistics management platform
VONZU: Last-mile logistics management platform

Vonzu's purpose is to digitize the logistics sector & gives…

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Image for Smart Point: Reducing delivery vans in cities.
Smart Point: Reducing delivery vans in cities.

Smart Point designs zero emission delivery networks for smart cities…

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Image for SUM-X: Cargo eBike
SUM-X: Cargo eBike

SUM-X is ONE LESS VAN's solution for sustainable last mile…

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Image for GaiaHub: Mobility Environmental Impact Monitoring Solution
GaiaHub: Mobility Environmental Impact Monitoring Solution

High-precision license plate recognition smart city system that…

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Image for WISP Solutions : AI-Driven Traffic Management System
WISP Solutions : AI-Driven Traffic Management System

Enhance urban mobility with WISP Solutions intelligent traffic light…

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EasyRailFreight matches supply and demand in intermodality,…

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Image for WAIIS

A Personal Chauffer For Costumers' Daily Commutes. Affordable…

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