Spain: Multisectoral data spaces projects
Launched by the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence (SEDIA), the programme seeks to promote the development of data space projects in strategic sectors of the economy. This initiative aligns with the European Data Strategy, the European Data and Data Governance Regulations and the achievement of the Single Data Market. The focus is a call for proposals for the digital transformation of strategic, productive sectors through the creation of:
- Data Spaces demonstrators
- Use cases using Data Spaces technology
This call is targeted at Legal entities based In Spain only. Application opens until 10 April 2024.
Total funding is €150 million divided:
- Data Spaces demonstrators = €40 million
- Use cases using Data Spaces technology = €110 million
(Max x project = €5 million / Min x project = €300 thousand)
If you are interested in applying, click here.
Published on 5 March, 2024.