Norway-Vestfold and Telemark county: Feasibility study of the Tønsberg region "City package" (incl. impact calculation of different traffic measures)

Key Facts


Tønsberg (Norway)

Opening and closing date:

02/09/2022 - 06/10/2022

Challenge area:

Mobility Infrastructure

Pollution Reduction

Offered by:

Vestfold og Telemark fylkeskommune



The Tønsberg region "City package" is a collaborative project between Vestfold and Telemark county council, Tønsberg municipality and Færder municipality. It is organized into several sub-projects. Each of the sub-projects is part of the objective to build an environmentally friendly, robust and efficient transport system in the Tønsberg region. Together with a new mainland connection from Nøtterøy and Tjøme, measures that promote more environmentally friendly and land-efficient transport are an important part of the city package. A comprehensive transport solution for the Tønsberg region requires a strong investment in buses, bicycles and pedestrians.

The Tønsberg region "City package" is to be partially financed with tolls, and a toll bill must be submitted to the Storting. In this connection, new transport model calculations and a toll assessment will be carried out, with associated socio-economic analysis.

The basis for the city package application must provide an assessment of whether the Tønsberg region "City package" is feasible within the current guidelines and financial framework. As part of the basis for the city package application, traffic calculations must be made and a traffic report drawn up that satisfies the Road Directorate's requirements as a basis for city packages and parliamentary proposals for toll funding. The work will culminate in a toll decision in municipalities and county councils


The assignment includes calculations and analysis of various measures, toll concepts with toll locations and rates in the Bypakke Tønsberg region. This includes:

  • Transport model calculations using DOM Vestfold including quality assurance/preparation of the model
  • Preparation of a traffic report that satisfies the Road Directorate's requirements as a basis for city packages and parliamentary proposals for toll funding.
  • Calculations with the impact calculation tool EFFEKT, incl. quality assurance/preparation of model.
  • Toll calculations and preparation of professional basis
  • Assistance in the process up to and including parliamentary resolution.

The measures to be included in the calculations will include major road development projects, less accessibility measures for road traffic, public transport investment, measures for pedestrians and cyclists as well as restrictive measures (including parking fees, strengthened bus and train services, time-differentiated rates in the toll scheme).

The assignment involves carrying out calculations of concepts with combinations of various measures, toll locations and tariff regimes (e.g. flat tariff, rush-hour charge/time-differentiated tariffs and hourly rule). Measures and toll rates are combined so that the utility principle will be safeguarded (rate level on average should cover the costs of measures in the relevant sub-area of ​​the Tønsberg region) and that the goal of zero growth in passenger car traffic is achieved. In the calculation, DOM Vestfold shall be used. To the extent that the model is not sufficiently suitable for assessing the impact of measures (primarily applies to measures for public transport and walking and cycling measures), the tenderer must describe and argue for the choice of an alternative method.

For the current situation, it is important to set up a satisfactory quality assurance of all relevant parameters that affect the areas of use described in this basis for tender, as well as to satisfy requirements from the Directorate of Roads in connection with traffic notes as a basis for toll proposals for city packages, which will take on the growth in passenger transport with public transport, cycling and walking.

The calculation results from the traffic analysis will, among other things, be presented in open meetings and will, based on experience, be of great interest to e.g. media. It is therefore very important that both the transport model and the results presented are thoroughly reviewed and quality assured. The consultant must expect to attend meetings and contribute with professional advice both in relation to the development of concepts (measures, toll location and rates), quality assurance of calculations and interpretation discussions regarding the preparation of calculation alternatives and presentation of results. In parallel with the traffic analysis, a financing analysis must be carried out. Results from the transport model calculations will be input data for the financing analysis.

The calculations are made with DOM Vestfold. The tenderer must describe alternative quantitative and/or qualitative methods for calculating the traffic effects of measures that are not sufficiently handled in the transport model. This primarily applies to measures for public transport, walking and cycling.

Published on 20 September 2022. Note: This opportunity refers to contract notice "2022/S 172-488740" on TED. Language(s) that may be used in the tender or request to participate: Norwegian