Europe: Sustainable City Logistics.

Key Facts


Barcelona (Spain)

Opening and closing date:

25/01/2023 - 25/03/2023

Funds available (up to):

59,500 EUR

Challenge area:

Sustainable City Logistics


The Small Call is a new pilot aimed at European SMEs with innovative urban mobility products, services, and solutions that can be brought to market within 12 months from the start of the project.

10 SMEs will each be awarded funding of up to 60k EUR for projects that address one of these key challenge areas:

  • Mobility and Energy
  • Sustainable City Logistics
  • Future Mobility

Sustainable City Logistics

Freight transport includes the transport of goods, from parcel delivery, delivery of building materials to construction sites, to domestic and commercial waste disposal. Cooperation between a wide range of partners and new vehicles, business models and technologies are needed.

Solutions include new vehicles, procurement / purchasing models, consolidation solutions, hub services, production models, software solutions for optimising freight, solutions for managing loading/unloading etc. 

Solutions may address:

  • Increase freight intermodality with a focus on zero-emission last mile transport
  • Reduce last-mile freight transport volumes (from e-commerce), freight hubs, unmanned collection and drop-off points, collaboration with retail to reduce/ deal with returns, optimized delivery services, etc

  • Application of data sharing solutions (between cities and logistic operators) to enable more efficient freight logistics, as well as collaborative logistic models. 
  • Demonstration of innovative logistics measures in urban areas with specific challenges such as dense historic city centers and use of waterways 
  • Reduce freight demand/ promote freight avoidance through for example waste management, local production, aggregate management, circular solutions, etc. 
  • Accelerate the adaptation of real-time enforcement of freight demand and access restriction measures including digital cameras, ultra-low emission zone control monitoring and geofencing 
  • Brokerage services for gig economy & last mile deliveries. Attention to take-back/return logistics for ecommerce goods 

Published on 20 January 2023