Romania-Bacau: Active mobility for seniors
How can Bacău create a diverse and accessible transportation system that effectively addresses the mobility needs of its senior population?
In Bacău, Romania, seniors (approximately 35% of the population) face mobility challenges due to limitations of traditional transportation options, which often present limitations due to physical demands, accessibility issues, and affordability concerns. This, in turn, can lead to social isolation, reduced mobility, and negative impacts on physical and mental well-being.
Lately, the city has been developing its cycling infrastructure, but it is still presenting some challenges. The city lacks a strong bike culture, and seniors might not possess the skills, confidence, or motivation to ride for transportation or recreation. Therefore, the city needs to find ways to encourage and support the elderly to use bikes, as well as to improve the quality and design of the bike infrastructure, to make it more accessible and convenient.
Recognising this, Bacau City seeks to explore and implement innovative, accessible solutions that encourage seniors to embrace active mobility, particularly cycling, and rediscover the joy of movement. The city envisions a transportation system that seamlessly integrates the needs of its senior residents. While cycling is a key focus, Bacau encourages proposals for other inclusive and accessible mobility options for seniors. Bacau wants to transform its mobility into a vibrant network that fosters interaction, and a better quality of life for all residents, regardless of age.
The expected result
- Increase number of senior people using bikes
- Increased confidence and safety of bike infrastructure
- Shift to active modes of transport
- Increase overall mobility within the city for the elderly population, promoting social inclusion and improving their quality of life
Published on 4 March, 2024.