Learn from real-life mobility implementations in cities

Discover success stories and case studies from leading cities, providing simple, effective lessons for implementing positive changes in urban mobility.
Image for Munich airport: Unpredictable mobility patterns
3 minutes reading time
Munich airport: Unpredictable mobility patterns
Airports are hives of activity, but the passengers are only half of it.
Image for Vallirana: A small town with big mobility challenges
2 minutes reading time
Vallirana: A small town with big mobility challenges
Life in Vallirana, a commuter town near Barcelona, comes with its own particular challenges.
Image for Prague: Implementing cargo bicycle hubs
2 minutes reading time
Prague: Implementing cargo bicycle hubs
Delivery vans occupy the historical centre of town Bicycles are not very well used in the city and cargo bikes were almost unheard of by citizens before this scheme The terra
Image for Bologna: App incentivices sustainable travel for citizens
2 minutes reading time
Bologna: App incentivices sustainable travel for citizens
SRM, Bologna’s public transport authority, wanted to try a new approach to improve congestion and reduce CO2 emissions in the city.
Image for Helsinki: Piloting an autonomous shuttle
3 minutes reading time
Helsinki: Piloting an autonomous shuttle
FABULOS (Future Automated Bus Urban Level Operation Systems) focused on how cities can use automated buses in a systematic way.
Image for Konya: First bicycle tram exclusively for bike users
2 minutes reading time
Konya: First bicycle tram exclusively for bike users
As it strives to be Turkey’s cycling hub, the central province of Konya, boasts a 550-kilometer (341.7-mile) network of bicycle lanes, one of the longest in the country.The province’s