Vallirana: A small town with big mobility challenges
The Challenge
Life in Vallirana, a commuter town near Barcelona, comes with its own particular challenges. Infrequent public transport has left many of the town’s scattered population underserved and isolated. For some, a round trip to shops and essential services in the center can require military planning and half a day to complete. No wonder so many residents are dependent on their cars or others to get around.
Bus operator Soler i Sauret is battling on, doing their best to optimize services and cover as much ground as possible following funding cuts. But trying to keep everyone happy is pleasing no one, least of all the lone overworked bus driver. Patchy coverage and long wait times have led to a vicious circle of falling demand, revenue and supply that shows no sign of improving. Clearly, traditional transport planning isn’t working for Vallirana.
This was the situation when Shotl was called in to radically rethink suburban mobility for the town. The challenge was how to get Vallirana moving again without spending more.