Ile-De-France: Eradicating diesel-propelled buses from public transport


Paris (France)

Challenge area:

Pollution Reduction

Implementation period:


The Challenge

Since 2015, RATP has initiated a massive energy transition aiming at turning all its bus operations in Paris area into low-emission operations from a well to wheel perspective , on behalf of the local public authority Ile-De-France Mobilités (IDFM).

In our role as the operator of close to 350 bus routes within the Ile-de-France vicinity, we have embarked on a significant journey of technological and environmental transformation since 2014. This transformation is set to position us as the global frontrunner in sustainable technology, as we work towards an impressive fleet of 4,700 eco-friendly buses by the year 2025. This ambitious objective is at the core of Bus2025, a comprehensive strategy designed to fulfill the aspirations of Île-de-France Mobilités in eradicating diesel-propelled buses from the Ile-de-France network and to transform the region into a global reference for low carbon urban public transport.

The Solution

From 2015 to 2017, we embarked on a substantial endeavor aimed at evaluating the performance of electric buses in real-world operational scenarios with passengers on board. Our primary goal was to formulate robust proposals for substantial bus acquisitions by the latter part of 2017, paving the way for extensive deliveries to commence in 2019. During this timeframe, Île-de-France Mobilités and RATP achieved significant milestones in the realm of bus procurement. Particularly noteworthy is the 2019 initiation of the largest European call for electric buses, with the potential to encompass an order of approximately 800 vehicles. Collectively, the program's scope spans the acquisition or procurement of 3,700 vehicles between the years 2015 and 2025.