Astypalea: On-demand and shared mobility for an entire island


Astypalea (Greece)

Challenge area:

Future Mobility

Pollution Reduction

Implementation period:


Supported by: EIT Urban Mobility

The Challenge

The challenge has been defined by the Greek island to relaunch the local transport system by integrating a more sustainable mix of different types of mobility modes ands electric vehicles, accessible through shared and on-demand services.

A flexible, demand-responsive shuttle solution should replace the fixed, scheduled line, while a fleet of shared cars, motorcycles and ebikes is desired to support the decarbonisation of transport, reduce congestion, and mitigate parking pressure.

The Solution

The mobility solution by, is broken into three parts:

  1. the end-user app, with the user having access to two services: AstyGO vehicle sharing (cars, ebikes and mopeds) and ASTYBUS on-demand (shuttle service),
  2. the driver-app for the shuttles and
  3. the backoffice for operations and fleet management tasks.

Customers can pay per ride or flat rate. Residents are offered a yearly 60€ ticket to make use of all the services.