Learn from real-life mobility implementations in cities

Discover success stories and case studies from leading cities, providing simple, effective lessons for implementing positive changes in urban mobility.
Image for Astypalea: On-demand and shared mobility for an entire island
1 minutes reading time
Astypalea: On-demand and shared mobility for an entire island
The challenge has been defined by the Greek island to relaunch the local transport system by integrating a more sustainable mix of different types of mobility modes ands electric v
Image for Tel Aviv: Contributing to pedestrian road safety
1 minutes reading time
Tel Aviv: Contributing to pedestrian road safety
In 2020 pedestrian constituted 16% of all road users. The city’s goal is to increase the percentage to 20% by 2030.
Image for Braga, Istanbul, Tallinn: Accelerating the modal shift through gamification
2 minutes reading time
Braga, Istanbul, Tallinn: Accelerating the modal shift through gamification
The cities of Braga, Tallinn and Istanbul are developing ambitious plans to improve the mobility of people and goods, reduce emissions and promote the shift towards low-carbon mobility systems and
Image for Tel-Aviv: Retrofitting bike racks for secure and connected micromobility parking
1 minutes reading time
Tel-Aviv: Retrofitting bike racks for secure and connected micromobility parking
Every 18 minutes a bicycle or scooter is stolen in Tel Aviv. Theft is ranked as the second most important reason for not using micro mobility.
Image for Copenhagen: Climate adaptation for more resilient and green urban neighborhoods
2 minutes reading time
Copenhagen: Climate adaptation for more resilient and green urban neighborhoods
The climate challenges that Copenhagen is facing are mainly related to the increase in precipitation – and rising sea levels.
Image for Riga: Transforming a parking lot back into a theatre square
1 minutes reading time
Riga: Transforming a parking lot back into a theatre square
The lack of green spaces in Riga’s city centre and the quality of public space is often mentioned by residents as one of the main things they would want to improve in the city.